About us

The Educational Secretariat for Industry was established 1st of July 2000 as an independent institution by Dansk Metal (The Danish Metalworkers Union), 3F (United Federation of Danish Workers) and DI - Dansk Industri (The Confederation of Danish Industry).

The task of The Educational Secretariat for Industry is to service each trade committee in their work to determine the vocational content, duration, structure and aim of the different vocational education and training programmes (VET) and Continuing Vocational Training Programmes (CVT) in Danish industry.

Our mission

The Educational Secretariat for Industry is developing future-orientated educations and by doing this we are contributing to the development of Danish industry and its employees.

Our vision

We document to our owners that our education development is valuable to our users. Our owners regard us as the education secretariat which has the highest standing and ability to work with both education development and operation in a committed, efficient and professional way.

Our users (enterprises, current and potential employees in the industrial field) express that our vocational education and training programmes (VET) and continuing vocational training programmes (CVT) are attractive and valuable to our users and meet their needs of competences.

Our professional contributors (committee members, LUU members and examiners) are actively involved in our education development. They recognize the way we manage our responsibilities regarding education and our ability to collaborate in order to create and develop attractive and valuable education.

Our collaborators (schools, education secretariats, ministries, organizations, foundations) see us as the leading and most vigorous education secretariat and identify us as the most attractive collaborator when it comes to Vocational Education and Training Programmes (VET) and Continuing Vocational Training Programmes (CVT).

Our employees have a proven high job satisfaction and loyalty. Our employees appreciate in particular the daily work, the organisation's good reputation and the favourable opportunities of professional and personal development. We create the framework to ensure that the full potential of our employees is unleashed.


The responsibility of the day-to-day operations in The Educational Secretariat for Industry lies within the CEO who is appointed by the board of directors. The CEO employs one or more Heads of secretariats as agreed with the committees of whom he/she will be in charge.
The Head of secretariat is responsible of the management relating to professional competences and the personnel, including assisting the committees.
The director and the two Heads of secretariats comprises the management group of The Educational Secretariat for Industry:

CEO Henrik Amdi Madsen
Head of Department Louise Sonne Dyreborg, Law, Administration, IT & Finance
Head of Department Martin Liebing Madsen, Education & Committees
Head of Department Thea Wanning, Communication, Project & Event
Executive Secretary Janne Ebbesen


Additional Management

Head of Secretariat Louise Heiberg Lund, The Joint Committee of the Industry 
Head of Secretariat Susanne Bomholt Andersen, The Vocational Education Committee of the Danish Metal Industry
Head of Secretariat Mette Hjort-Madsen, The Educational Secretariat for Joinery
Team leader Nanna Biener de Taeje
Team leader Isabelle Riiber
Team leader Ulla Nelholt